Arrive Alive

What else is around the corner
What will come next
from talking on the cell
to writing a text

Shouldn’t we, as adults,
be good role models
How is it possible
if we’re acting like rebels

Distractions come
in different shapes
but taking eyes off the road
may not lead to escapes

So, if you can’t refrain
for your own safety’s sake
then do it for your neighbor
in the surrounding lanes

© LScott 2013

My son is in Leadership (Student Council) at his high school,
and recently they conducted a week long event,
conveying the dangers of texting and driving.

They had a guest speaker who had lost his high school daughter
because she texted
while driving on the freeway.
Although I don’t text and drive, this alone
is enough to scare me. Whether we’re texting
or reading a text, we create a dangerous situation by doing so.
I thought I would help pass this very important message along


She played in a world of Barbies
He formed magical lands of Legos
They created art with crayons
and they both loved reading their books

A sister and brother
who got along quite well
They were friends to each other
It was easy to tell

Still buddies in their teens and twenties
through laughter and tears
They’re a team and always will be
into the coming years

Their alliance has sustained
through the growing, awkward ages
They defend, protect and encourage
through the turning of the pages

All the love that they share,
It’s plain to know,
will never be broken
Our Dynamic Duo

© LScott 2012

New Trust

We hand you these

But please be careful

Crazy drivers out there

And we care about you

Use the signal to turn

Our concern is immense

Lane changing may be obscure 

Be secure in your senses

When in reverse, check your mirror

Don’t let fear cloud your vision

In rainy weather, slow down

Clowning around isn’t clever

Safety is vital

in this new endeavor

The car is yours tonight

Lauren Scott © 2011