Common Ground


I think of all the people who were led
to this quiet land by the stories in
their lives. Then I wonder if they had fled
from despair into this place to begin
again, to feel the magic from within
the beauty of the majestic giants
and to sense the calming stir of silence.
I hope their active minds found complete rest
in this shelter of spiritual guidance
and their ongoing journey remained blessed.

Lauren ScottΒ Β© 2018
Photo: Hendy Woods State Park
(This is my first try at a Dizain poem,
and inspiration came from our recent
Redwood visit.)


42 thoughts on “Common Ground

    1. That’s a great complement coming from you, Ben, so thank you! But I just noticed a typo, which I hurriedly corrected. πŸ™‚ It’s funny how we can read things a million times and still miss errors. Thanks again!

      1. And you could’ve pointed it out if you noticed it, too. I cringe if I see a typo or grammatical error of mine. So please don’t hesitate. 😊

    1. Thanks, Betty! I hadn’t heard of this format, either, but found out about it from another poet friend. It was both fun and challenging, and you’d probably like it, too. I may try another. πŸ™‚ Sending love and hugs! xo

  1. So well articulated Lauren! I too am not familiar with Dizain but your thoughts are flowing beautifully. I am sure all visitors do catch the soothing and spiritual vibes from such a place.

    1. Thanks so much, Balroop! I wasn’t familiar with this format, either, until a friend told me about it. It was fun and you may want to try one, too. You might like it! I appreciate your kind words regarding my first attempt, too. πŸ™‚ And I agree with you about visitors’ experiences among the redwoods. I definitely was inundated with so many thoughts and inspired to write, which is where a journal comes in handy on such trips. Have a good evening! 🌷

  2. Beautiful. Trees look like calm and serene. They know all the answers. If they could speak…Perhaps they speak to people who meditate between them.

    1. Thanks again, Indira. And I agree with you; they know all the answers. Oh, if only they could speak, can you imagine the stories they would tell? But, I think you’re right about them speaking to those who meditate between them. And what a special place to meditate but in their home. πŸ’•

  3. Lovely words Lauren, very thought provoking, sadly in today’s world I don’t think many people appreciate a new beginning. There is more to Life than just existing, it’s called living, and your trees are a perfect example.

    1. Thanks so much, Ian, for your beautiful comment. I think you’re right about Life, too, that it’s all about living, not just existing. It’s probably easy to fall into that mindset and become stagnant. But the trees know how to live, don’t they? πŸ™‚ Have a good day, my dear friend…

  4. So beautiful, Lauren! Love how you wove an entire story into the lines of your poem – the people who were led by the stories of their lives: just wonderful! Those beautiful trees have seen it all and more, haven’t they? I can easily see how they inspired you to write this! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–

    1. Thanks again, Sarah, and not only for your lovely comment, but also for catching up! Yes, I was easily inspired by this one trip to the redwoods, hoping that everyone isn’t tired of reading about redwoods again! πŸ™‚ Big hugs, my friend, and Happy Friday! xoxo

      1. Cathing up with your lovely posts is always something I look forward too, Lauren. πŸ™‚
        And who could get tired of reading about the redwoods?! They are so wonderful and magnificent, no wonder you are inspired by them! I would be too, and probably wouldnΒ΄t be able to stop painting them – lol! πŸ˜€
        Happy weekend, dear friend! πŸ™‚ xoxo ❀

  5. Silent witnesses of man’s foibles and strengths – trampled underfoot, standing shoulder-to-shoulder, and now looking down from above.
    Pause and hear their peaceful sighs.
    – Eric

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