
Let me drink from the look in your eyes
eyes that have me wildly mesmerized
mesmerized under their piercing blue spell
spell that only you hold powers to cast over me
me, with a heart out-of-control in love
love, a whirlwind of euphoric emotions so true
true in not only our hearts, but in our minds
minds, fully aware of their endless thoughts
thoughts so amorous of us entwined
entwined in each other’s arms forever,
forever, still too few seconds for our time together

Lauren Scott Β© 2018

40 thoughts on “Fulfilled

    1. Thanks for the smile, Scott! I’m so glad you liked this. It reminds me of the earlier days when we both shared a lot of romance. Miss your writing, my friend…

  1. Another beautiful piece. Well done, Lauren, my dear friend.

    For me, you capture the depth of their love with this line: “forever, still too few seconds for our time together”.

    When forever is too few… now that’s something.

    Peace and blessings,

    1. Thanks very much, Eric. Your comment brightens my day. That last line came to me in a flash, and now I’m so glad it did. There’s something profound when forever just isn’t long enough for two people truly in love…hope you’ve had a great day. Hugs and blessings, my friend…

    1. Thanks so much, Annika. I appreciate your lovely words coming from the amazing writer you are. πŸ™‚ By the way, I’m compiling a post accepting your quote challenge along with accepting awards from Sarah. I won’t be nominating others, though, because of lack of time, but those who wish to can carry on…so it should be up later today or tomorrow. Have a wonderful day! ❀

  2. Reblogged this on BOOK CHAT and commented:
    Anytime I can read a lovely poem such as this, I am compelled to share it. Dear readers, please enjoy Lauren Scott’s poem, Fulfilled.

    1. Oh, how wonderful to read this first thing in the morning, Michelle! Thanks so much, my friend! Big hugs for a wonderful Monday, too! ❀❀❀

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