35 thoughts on “Blooms

    1. Aww, thanks, Betty! Not only do you and I have some things in common, but it’s nice to hear that our moms both loved their gardens, too. I appreciate your kind words. 💗

  1. Lauren, beautifully tender and loving…I sense your ache and longing.hugs xx❤️

    PS. I just saw your wonderful reply on Adrienne’s blog on my Loss of a Patriarch and have replied to you. So sorry for the delay.

    1. Thanks, Annika. I think there may be more poems about my parents to come. But, it’s the fond memories that are vivid now and keep us all going…and I did see your comment and just replied again, too. Love and hugs to you xo

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah! I don’t think the heartache will ever go away, but the memories will flood through, replacing the tears eventually. I appreciate the hugs, too-always love those hugs. 🙂 Lots of love to you, also! 💓💓

      1. No, I can’t imagine the pain will ever go away, Lauren, but I hope its raw edges will lessen with time and like you said, the good memories will replace the tears eventually. There´s nothing as intense as the bond between mother and child – my mum just had an accident on Wednesday and broke her shoulder and arm, and I´m beside myself with worry. It´s so hard to keep calm but I know that she will need me in the next weeks or months to come and I need to mentally prepare for it. Sending you more warm hugs and love! xxx ❤

      2. Hi Sarah, I know the raw edges will lessen over time, and I’m so sorry to hear about your mom’s accident. It’s hard not to worry. My mom was a worrier and I took after her. But I think everyone worries to some degree when our loved ones are involved. Your mom is lucky to have you. I can’t imagine the pain she’s in. But I hope her healing process is smooth, knowing she’ll be wrapped up in your love and care. Sending you more love and hugs, and I’ll keep you and your mom in prayer and positive thoughts. xoxoxo

      3. Thank you so much for your heartfelt and warm words, dear Lauren! I sometimes wish I wouldn’t worry so much in general, but recently read that it´s something difficult to change so we will just have to cope with it 😉
        Thanks so much for your prayers and positive thoughts – they are very much appreciated!! Hope all is well with you! Please take care! Much love and big hugs to you! xoxoxo ❤

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