Blog Talk, Friendships & A Cuppa :)


I feel like talking and I hope you don’t mind getting that favorite “cuppa” and relaxing here for a little bit.
I’m reminiscing about how this blog was born and maybe you’ll do the same, thinking about yours. This is my third year now and I really can’t believe three years have passed. I thought by now I would have moved onto something else. Well, the truth is, I enjoy it. I love writing poetry, sharing it here and receiving feedback. Recently, I’ve had a little fun sharing photos, as well. By all means, I’m not a professional photographer, but I’ve always loved photography, taking photos and viewing them.

Circle_of_friends_with_earthAnother aspect of blogging is meeting people. I’ve made new friends from all over the world and from various parts of the U.S. and it’s amazing how we can talk and connect right here like we’re five minutes apart. Throughout these three years, a circle of blogging friends has been created and honestly, they feel more like family. I would assume most of you feel the same way if you’ve blogged for awhile.

I had never thought of blogging until after seeing the movie, “Julie & Julia” with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep. julie_and_julia-jonathan-wenkWhat an awesome movie and story, starring two of my favorite actresses. Anyway, I’m so thankful my son, especially, but also my hubby and daughter, nudged me into starting this blog. Through this journey, I’ve shared my emotions, made friends and checked off one more item from my bucket list by self publishing my first collection of poetry. This was a big accomplishment and then to have others purchase copies of my book…WOW, just WOW! What a humbling experience! 

I’d like to say that all of you have been a big part of my life. Your support, love and friendship has meant the world to me. Some of you have been with me from the start, have read some of my earlier work (oh my gosh) and have seen my writing evolve. I feel it has, even though there is so much more for me to learn. 

We may never meet in person, but in this crazy, virtual world, we have come to support each other in our writing endeavors and through our life journeys, mixed with smiles and tears. I’m repeating myself, but I say “Thank You” once again, for making my blogging experience the best it can be for me! Your visits and comments have given me the encouragement to continue on this path.

turning 50This “blogging hobby” began soon after I turned the Big Five-O; it was something different, fun, exciting and a Giant step out of the comfort box. So I plan to carry on, looking forward to the road ahead and I’m truly blessed with such great company!

Lauren photo from Michael

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you
have a wonderful week ahead.
With Love, Hugs and Blessings,

All Photos: Google Images
(except for the one of me) 🙂






52 thoughts on “Blog Talk, Friendships & A Cuppa :)

  1. Congratulations! Three years is an achievement and an anthology of poetry published – feather in your cap, Lauren. Wishing you many more happy blogging years,

    Eric 🙂

  2. Lauren your selfless and sharing heart has always been so easy to embrace along with the lovely words you deliver to us….you have and always will be a blessing to our lives…spiritual hugs, love and blessings always!

  3. Congratulations on your 3rd blog anniversary. That is quite an accomplishment. Your blog is amazing, and I’m so happy to have stumbled upon it.

  4. What a wonderful post Lauren and a truly wonderful journey. Three years is a long time and you have achieved so much including perseverence through adversity. And your gorgeous book (still on my coffee table) is such an achievement to be proud of!

    It will be three years blogging for me in August and I thank you for your lovely friendship, support and encouragement. HBL xxx

    1. Thanks, Chris, and achievement even through adversity, you are right…and your kind words about my book truly warm my heart. Happy early anniversary to you, too! We started around the same time, but met a little later, I think. You have been a big part of my “family” here and your friendship and support have helped me along the way, also. HBL xoxo

  5. This is so sweet Lauren. You know you’re one of my favorites we came to WP about the same time and our friendship is one that really has grown. these words are so heart warming and compassionate.

    1. Aww, thanks, Kim, and you are one of mine, too! I agree with you in that our friendship has grown and I’m glad you enjoyed this. There are times I just feel like talking and then I had fun looking for the right photos! 🙂 Hugs!

  6. Lauren, to see you glowing with pride is something very inspirational to all of us! Indeed, we make friends from all over the world via this magic bridge of internet and it makes me happy to see that you are appreciating all our encouraging words for you! Stay that way, dream big and achieve even more!

    1. Thanks for your encouragement and lovely comment, Chatty. I’m glad I stumbled upon your blog while on this journey! Your writing is an inspiration, as well! xx

  7. I haven’t been here too long, but it has been really nice to read your work and to get to know you a little. It’s great to connect with people all over the world in ways that weren’t possible years ago, and to see how others think and live and experience life.

    1. Thanks so much, Binky, and I’ve also enjoyed the world of Wombania, thanks to Deb for leading me your way. I appreciate all your visits and support and I hope you continue to enjoy! It is great to connect with people all over the world and that’s where the internet has been a great tool. 🙂

  8. Congratulation’s my friend. I am so proud of you. Yes, I have been with you from the beginning and was so happy to have found your blog and even happier that we have become ‘blogging buddies.” Love you Sis. Have a wonderful day and never stop writing your heart felt poetry. hugs, ♥ Renee

    1. Thanks for your beautiful comment, Renee, and I “ditto” everything back to you! You’ve been such a great friend here and I’m grateful and you continue to inspire me, as well! 🙂 Love you, too, and sending many hugs! ♥

    1. Thanks, Julie, you are so sweet and I can say all the same about you, your blog and writing, too! You’ve been a great mentor in this poetry land and I appreciate You! Much love and many hugs to you! xoxo

    1. Hi Marko, you’re very welcome! I may be slow at visiting, sometimes, but your photography is wonderful and I look forward to seeing more of it! Take care!

  9. Congratulation on your three year of blogging, Lauren! It’s hard to believe I’ve known you for that long already. The years just flew by. Since I’ve known you, you have been such an inspiration, encouraging, but most of all, a good friend. Your poetry to this day brightens my day and really gives me the lift I need when feeling a bit down. You are a dear friend.
    Sending you much love and hugs xxx

    1. Thanks, Deb, and it is hard to believe that we’ve known each other that long. Your words bring tears and also warm my heart. Your amazing art, humor and compassion have had a tremendous affect on my journey here in wordpress and your friendship is one of the best things I’ve found…sending hugs and much love back to you xoxo

  10. Well done I am quite new here Lauren and love that talk.. Thank goodness there is Wombania so we met.. I enjoy visiting you and thank you for our friendship and your return visits x

    1. Thanks, Doron, I’m glad you enjoyed this chat! 🙂 Yes, it’s nice to have met you also through Wombania and I hope you continue to enjoy whenever you visit here. I love your art and am happy to have found your talent, too. I appreciate your new-found support and friendship, as well.

  11. So glad you began your blog, so I might peek into your life, your poetic heart and spirit, and call you my friend, Lauren! My blog will be three years old in July. XO ♥

  12. Wow, three years is such an achievement! Well done, my friend! I adore the way you put this post together – it’s as beautiful as your spirit is! I am so glad to know you and to share a cuppa with you today xo PS We adore your poetry so keep writing ♥

    1. Aww…Christy, you spoil me with your beautiful words of encouragement and friendship, so thank you! I’m so lucky to have you as a friend here on WP, supporting me. I remember how nervous I was in the beginning. And then to have met the “Metaphor Queen” Wow! 🙂 Thanks again, my friend! Hugs!

  13. Three years! Wow! I haven’t even made it through my first year yet, but I’m loving every minute I spend on writing my own blogs and reading others 🙂 Would love to read more and more of your work! *hugs* Iris

      1. Just catching up 🙂 I have one week this week before I start work next Monday and I thought I’d take a break from learning new French songs! :/ lovely to have the time to read again.

      2. Well, I appreciate you stopping by…I know, it’s so hard to stay caught up, in fact, it’s impossible! 🙂 Take care and keep your lovely voice singing! ♫ ♫

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