Copper, Our New Family Addition

Please Welcome, Copper, the chocolate lab!
He’s 18 months old, very lovable, cuddly,
calm and gentle. He needs to put on a few more pounds,
but other than that, he’s healthy and just a big, goofy boy!

We’re adopting Copper on a trial basis,
with hopes
of keeping him, if all works out.
We hope it does because we’ve all just about
fallen in love with him.
Lucky Girl will remain

in our hearts, but the timing is right
to start new again

with another canine friend.

We’ll be in an adjustment period and I’m already behind
in reading blogs, because of “doggie” searching.
So, my
time may be limited, but I will still do my best to visit you!

 I hope you understand and I wish you all a wonderful,
peaceful Wednesday! xo

Lauren 🙂

49 thoughts on “Copper, Our New Family Addition

  1. What a pretty boy he is! I bet he soaks up your love and affection like a sponge. I have my fingers crossed he has a forever home with you! xoxo

    1. Thanks, Jeannie, he is so adorable and loving, it’s truly surprising how he ended up in a shelter. I’m glad we found him! It hasn’t been 48 hours and he’s doing great, just a little separation anxiety, due to being moved around a few times. Thanks for crossing your fingers! xo

  2. Julie Catherine

    Oh Lauren, he’s beautiful! I can tell that he feels just like velvet … sending prayers that Copper finds his forever home with you. ~ Love, Julie xox

    1. Thanks so much, Autumn! He’s really adorable and doing well for not even two days! I hope you and Gabby are doing great, too! I’m moving slowly and behind, but I’ll be over soon! love and hugs to you, too! 🙂

  3. He is beautiful, Lauren! He is very lucky to have been adopted by your and the family!
    And don’t you worry about the blogging and being behind….I’m in the same boat. And you know what?…..most people will completely understand.
    Hugs, xx

    1. Thanks, Deb, is so adorable, our hearts have melted. He’s also well trained, but has a little separation anxiety, so we’re working on that…and thanks for the blogging encouragement, too! xo

      How is your week going?

    1. Thanks, Soma, and you’re right, that pic looks just like he’s wondering if it’s okay to post! We’ve been having lots of woof fun and he’s absolutely adorable! xo 🙂

    1. Thanks, Caddo, but I can’t skip it; you all and this blogging community is a part of my life…but, moving more at a snail’s pace now is more realistic, so please bear with me! Love and hugs! 🙂

      1. Caddo Veil

        Hope I didn’t offend–just wanted you to feel free of any pressure–Have a blessed Palm Sunday weekend!

      2. Of course, you didn’t offend, Caddo! 🙂 I just meant that I love this blogging world and will move slowly through it, until we get a routine with Copper Boy! You have a blessed weekend, too! xx

  4. Dear, dear Lauren, you just visit when Copper gives you permission, okay? So very pleased for you about adopting this wonderful chocky into your family! I have a notion it will work out just fine. This really is the best way to honor the memory of your dear Lucky Girl!

    1. Oh, Rose, you always know the right words to say…your last line brought tears, happy to remember our beloved dog and happy to welcome our new puppy~thanks so much! xo

    1. Oh, Cynthia, I am so jealous! That’s always been a dream of mine…to own enough land so I could house many, many dogs! They are so fortunate to have you as their family. Copper is adorable and extremely loving! 🙂

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